Michael once read that constants in Perl can be made out of functions that return constant expressions.
Michael tried the following:
Download the source code.
The progtram worked, but Michael was unhappy with the result. Why did it happen?
Zoological note: ants are insects, every insect has 6 legs. So one ant has 6 legs, and 7 ants have 42 legs.
He got compilation error:
Can’t use string (”1”) as a symbol ref while “strict refs” in use
And what about this?
sub AN_ANT_LEGS() { 6 };
Originally subroutine AN_ANT_LEGS
the following * 7
as parameter.
It’s possible,
as *7
is reference to typeglob named 7
But the subroutine doesn’t use any parameter and still returns 6.
So the first program prints:
The program with loop has a similar problem.
In hint #3 empty prototype explicitly specified that subroutine uses no parameters, so multiplication works as expected.
Module constant.pm does exactly the same: it creates subroutines with empty prototype and each subroutine returns a constant.